Saturday, January 8, 2011

Another day in the Lowe household

Today really stinks. I am depressed. I can't believe how many bills we have due this month and not enough money for them all. I wish we could be all caught up and not behind on bills. I am reallyt thinking I need to get a job or two and the hell with unemployment. However, I would need to find a job that makes at leat $10/hr to survive. I hate not traveling. I hate not just being able to go out to eat. What makes matters worse is my best friend and her family will be here in one week and we have no extra money. I look all the time on for jobs but there really isn't anything out there. I would love so much to go to Kentucky & Tennesee this summer. I just don't see it happening. :(

I overslept this morning waking up at 8:30am. Christina and Kylie arrived and shortly after Brittany and Christina took off to work. Dave made a good breakfast, but these past few days I haven't really felt like eating. My stomach has bothered me. We played. Johnathan is really into playing Mario Brothers a new Wii game his mother bought him. He LOVES it and wants to play it all the time.

I cut Brittany and Christina's hair, yesterday and today cut Chasteens hair. Johnathan calls her "chacheen". I just tried to trim the dogs nails and they don't want any part of it. We are settled in for the night and I am watching The Incredibles with my hubby and grandson. I love snuggling with him. :) Goodnight.

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7th, 2011

Good Evening,

I decided to start blogging. Not sure what this is all about, but I will try this out. Why not, I have time on my hands. I became unemployed October of 2010. I decided to take care of my beautiful, grandson and take care of our home while looking for work. I have really enjoyed being at home this past year. Johnathan (my grandson) is so amazing. He brings me so much joy into my life. He can make me laugh when I am feeling down. When I am depressed about our money situations; all I have to do is look at him and I remember that life isn't about how much money you have or don't have its about him and making him smile by playing with him. I have 3 children. Justin is 21, Joshua is 20 and Brittany is 18 and she is the mother to Johnathan. I have been married 13 years to my sweet husband, Dave. He is my sole mate.

My day consists of getting up early and making him lunch. I go back to bed and sleep til around 7:30am. I recently started babysitting my daughters friends baby, Kylie. She is 7 1/2 months old. She arrives around 8:30 am. They work as housekeepers at a local hotel. I play with Johnathan and Kylie most of the day while fitting in some house work in between play time. I love to cook dinner and after Kylie leaves; I spend the evening watching tv with my husband. Thats my life basically.

I recently have gotten interested in couponing. I attended a class and learned how to use coupons. I really enjoy it. Its a rush to see how much you can get with very little money. My last shopping trip a few days ago was awesome. My grocery bill was $111 and after coupons I paid $9.71!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!

All for now. I will try to post this and see how it goes.